Saturday, October 12, 2024

Hendersonville, NC

 Back up a day since we were too busy yesterday for me to put up a post!  The Craigslist ad for free firewood worked like a charm.  A couple answered and hauled 2 pickup loads away.  They use wood as their sole heat source so we were happy that they answered.

Then we packed up all of Granny's stuff and got ready to head back to the moutains.  Power/water/internet/cell service is all restored at her house in Hendersonville now.

On I-40 heading west.  A good bit of traffic but this part of I-40 was not harmed.  We did, of course, see lots of trees down and muddy washout areas beside the interstate highway.

Lots of road signs warning of Limited Resources....


She's all settled back in at home now.  Beautiful Carolina sky.

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