Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Garbage Talk!!! Custom Trash Can

The "trash chute" on this boat is built into the countertop.

Unfortunately, the area below the "lid" was not well-suited to a trash can. Neither a round nor a rectangular can would fit there.

We decided a "custom" trash can would be in order!

Here is the cabinet below the chute opening.  I've used cardboard to start the design for the custom trash can.

After measuring the height, I continued to piece together the "mock-up" of the trash can.

This shape will fill the entire space below the "chute"...

Here you can see the bottom of the chute, emptying into the "mock-up".

Fast forward a few weeks.....Duane made one out of aluminum!

With his usual attention to detail - pretty rivets!

From the bottom.

And he added a nice handle for me so I could easily get it in/out of the cabinet.

Making sure a kitchen-garbage bag fit nicely....

Yes, yes, it fit nicely - and works as advertised!!  Betcha weren't expecting to see actual GARBAGE, were ya???  Ha!!


  1. AWESOME!!! I love it! It's perfect!



  2. Yes, that's quite a nice garbage can, and made by an expert. MOM
