Sunday, November 24, 2024

Pittsboro, NC

 If you're wondering....we haven't disappeared.  We're just doing mundane house stuff.  Duane is wiring the house for the new fiber internet.  He's running new "Cat 6" ethernet cables all over the house - up from the basement, thru the ceiling, up into the attic and then down to various rooms inside the house.  Quite the chore!   I've been doing various household cores, striping out caulking for the kitchen counter and replacing, that sort of stuff.  Absolutely none of it worthy of a photo.  Will travel to the mountains for Thanksgiving.  

Enjoying seeing all our friends who are traveling south escape the cold!


  1. I’m curious- did you consider getting Residential Starlink instead of going the Fibre route?

  2. Hey Dee - not really. We have been taking our Starlink unit from the boat to the house every time we moved. Duane had it all rigged up to be easily unplugged at the boat then plugged into an additional cable at the house. Took all of 2 minutes total to relocate. So we were using Starlink at the house and it worked well. But the Brightspeed fiber service is just $49 per month so it's worth it just to have excellent service year round in the house. That means we can have home monitoring systems that we can access while we're away for long periods.

  3. I hear you, and at $49/m it’s best answer.
