Thursday, April 18, 2024

Hopetown, Abacos, Bahamas

 Busy day.....the winds would be favorable for a sail north before a few days of settled weather.

Always fun to see the unique structures along the islands...

Lots of boats sailing in all directions.


Getting closer to what feels like "crowds".


Passing Tahiti Beach - just a sandbar that dries at low tide.  The beach bar is the floating pontoon boat anchored there most days.

We ghosted along at less than 3 knots for the final leg sailing to Hopetown since we weren't in a rush to prevent wasting diesel!  We anchored outside the Hopetown Harbour so we've got a bit of traffic passing us.


Time to wander around town a bit.  To the lighthouse - the only working lighthouse that is still fueled by kerosene.




The society that keeps the lighthouse in order has done some refurbishment since we were here several years ago.


The very steep stairs to the top platform.


The views from the top are just lovely!


Sojourn is anchored in the very center of the photo.


The harbour is jam-packed with boats.


Duane climbing back down the steps.


Lovely views out of the arched windows.


Back in the dinghy and across the harbour to town - it's a lovely place to stroll.  The streets are really just wide side-walks mostly for golf carts and pedestrians. 


I love snapping photos of all the quaint cottages.


We had to climb up the stairs to a house to allow this water delivery truck to pass thru the narrow street.


A house that is just now being repaired from the hurricane.


A small memorial park has this lovely view.

And back at the boat we were rocked by a good bit of boat traffic - ferries came across from Marsh Harbor frequently, I assume taking day workers back home.


  1. I love Hopetown. Looks like someone gave them some Volvo green paint for the renovations.
