Monday, September 2, 2024

Oriental, NC

 I spent a good amount of time in the water cleaning the scummy waterline of some algae and growth.  Didn't feel any barnacles so that is a good sign.  (The water is too murky to see much).  No photos since it's not very photogenic!

Jerry and Donna invited us over for the evening.  Good to see them again, Donna's doing great with the second "bionic knee"!!

 The view out to Bluejacket.  We are going to sail along with Jerry in a couple of days to take the boat to Wayfarer's in Minnesott for his yearly haulout.

After a yummy lasagna dinner (veggie lasagna for me!) we played a fun game of dominoes which Duane won handily.  Fun evening!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back at the boat and getting it ready. Hopefully will see you guys and Bluejacket next year
