Saturday, September 7, 2024

Oriental, NC

 We arrived at Jerry and Donna's dock at that appointed 8AM hour for the trip to Wayfarer's Cove Marina at

We were off the dock easily and set up to motor for several hours as the sails were removed for some repairs/alterations.

Jerry likes to have enough folks on board for haulout because the haulout well at Wayfarers is very narrow.  There needs to be hands on each corner of the boat to make sure the lift doesn't harm the hull.  Not exact figures, but Bluejacket is a little over 19' wide and the well is about 19'6" wide.  Not a lot of room for error!  Dave from the Big Dumb Boat Dyad joined us.  He was the developer of the free navigational software OpenCPN.  Sortof famous in the boating world. 



 What's a trip on the Neuse without a ferry spotting.  Or two..

One of them seemed close to us but is running much faster so was not a factor at all.


Approaching the Wayfarers Cove channel is always exciting.  It's extremely narrow!  Hard to see but it's up there!



 Doesn't look like we can fit thru with the dead tree overhanging to starboard and the sandbar encroaching to port.

But Jerry threaded the needle just fine.  (The marina has a permit application in process to dredge the channel but it's not been approved yet).

There has been hurricane damage to this marina over the years and they are slowly making repairs/improvements.


The well looks tiny!!


 But with all hands helping, the boat was safely in the slings.

 Up and ready for a power wash.  Jerry will be doing some maintenance and bottom paint as usual over the next month or so.


Jerry and Donna treated us all to a yummy lunch at the nearby golf course.  Good fun!



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