Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Pittsboro, NC!

 Finished packing up, lots of clothes, bedding, rugs, etc.  I need my full size washer at home for some of it. 

Last glance at the boat - see ya later!


The mini-van was pretty stuffed!!


Glad we filled up the van yesterday with gasoline!  All along the way thru eastern NC the gas stations all were baring the "bag of shame" on their fuel pumps - out of fuel due to the pipeline hack.

Back at the house - spent the rest of the day putting all the stuff away.  Empty crates got to the attic until the fall!


And in the evening I did a major fresh/frozen food purchase at Food Lion in town.  Fun to be back - all was amazingly well at the house after 6 months away, just a few dead bugs to vacuum up.

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