Boat Info

Friday, December 8, 2023

Sampson Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

 We had noticed a very large crack in the attach bracket for the boom-vang.  So Duane disassembled it to get a closer look.  Nothing to be done here without a welder.....he cleaned up the crack..


And since it's a symmetrical bracket and the crack is less than 1/2 way thru, he simply reinstalled it 180 degrees.  This should take most of the stress off that area and hopefully will last thru the season.  If not, there's always the machine shop on Long Island that Meshugga used for a repair last year.  (or was that 2 years ago, I lose track....)

A less critical project......This is the starboard head counter.  It is made of Formica and has held up well for it's age.  I had set a half gallon of bleach on it during the summer and it stayed there for several weeks while we were away.  I thought nothing of it, just hadn't gotten around to putting it away.  When I lifted it I was shocked to see this half-moon area of the Formica surface was etched away down to the underlying wood!  Oh no!!  I have no idea why it did this - there was a little dry residue under the bottle of bleach....

This was on the list to remedy before we left Oriental, but it wasn't a priority so didn't get accomplished until a couple of days ago.

We had brought several paints just for this purpose.

First I dabbed a white layer.

Then I dabbed some of the darker blue spray paint.  Not liking the colors....the lighter blue spray paint was much too light and bright.


Feeling a bit frustrated, I let this dry - at least it's sealed now and the underlying wood can't be harmed by moisture.

Fast forward a few days.....I got the idea that maybe some black paint would be useful to match the colors...this is a paper plate with the various shades of paint.


And here's the finished area - yay!  I'm very pleased - you wouldn't know it was even there without closely inspecting.

And today was the first bread-making day.  Finally ran out of all my "store bought" bread.  Just my regular old-fashioned loaf recipe that my sissy sent to me which uses 12 ounces of milk.  It overflows the breadmaker pan just a bit, hence the weird lip on the end of the loaf.


All ready for sandwiches this week.


  1. Good job. Will have to call you Van Gogh or perhaps even Georges Seurat from now on (Yes I had to look both of those up)

  2. The counter looks great! Ed said you would be good at matching gel coat color.

  3. Well done on the palate of colors for your vanity. Looks very good. Will you send me your sis’ bread recipe? I’m always looking to improve my loaf. I’m now using the same bread machine you have.
