Boat Info

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Little Pipe Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

We motored about 4 miles over to a lovely spot at Little Pipe Cay.  


This area is definitely "private"....of course we can anchor where ever we want so we get to enjoy the same views.


Out for a dinghy ride to explore the beautiful shallows.


Private little retreats.

Approaching Over Yonder Cay.  Definitely private and $$$$.  I believe I've read somewhere that you can rent this island nightly for some insane amount.

Lovely place.


Only one of the wind turbines was working, strange because there is plenty of wind to harness lately!!


Towards a narrow cut to the open ocean.


My obligatory boat photo....


And Mr. Shark visiting several times in the evening.

 That's about it for the day - we'll move to a more protected area tomorrow near Staniel Cay.

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