Boat Info

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Sampson Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

We were awakened a bit early by increasing winds in our exposed anchorage.  We decided to just pull anchor and get underway.  Great winds for sailing though!  Sailed nicely downwind with just the main up.  We arrived at Sampson Cay early in the afternoon.  The winds are forecast to increase overnight gusting into the low 30's.  This anchorage is fairly protected and should be comfortable.


We were greeted on arrival by a fairly large shark.  No one is swimming today....


We had been in contact with Ralph and Leslie on Now & Zen throughout the day.  They were sailing over from Andros and were headed for Sampson Cay as well!  They had a very quick sail arriving just at sunset.


Sailing into the anchorage.


Leslie invited us over - was nice to catch up with them!  We haven't been together on the boat for 2 seasons now.  (We saw them on land a couple of times though).

They're taking a great weather window to sail towards the Raggeds so we won't see them again until we get down there.....

We are going to stay in this general area for several days because we have ordered a replacement handheld VHF radio.  It will be flown over to Staniel Cay by Maker's Air.  We've never had to do that so will be an interesting (and expensive) activity!


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