Boat Info

Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Bahamas!!!

 The winds and seas overnight along the Florida coast were a little less gentle than predicted....but we didn't mind too much since we were moving in the right direction!!!  Just spoke to a few tankers and a cruise ship coming out of the Palm Beach and Miami channels.  Almost no cruising size boats appeared on AIS the entire night.

About 5AM we could see the Miami skyline.

And as the sun came up it looks a little clearer.

The winds/waves were predicted to die off for the Gulf Stream crossing, but they ended up being 12-15knots on our nose with a 3'+ swell for the first 8 hours of the day.  But things settled down considerable once we were on the banks (shallow water).  Passing Bimini to the north, we'll head towards Great Harbour to check into Bahamas Customs tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

  1. Our favorite check in place, except Immigration there will only give you 90 day visa. Don’t miss the Manatees.
