Boat Info

Friday, November 24, 2023

Underway offshore of Miami

 Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Our day started with a spectacular sunrise!


Kris and Dean helped us cast off and we waved a temporary goodbye as we hope to see them in the Bahamas soon. 


As we approached Ft. Pierce we saw this trimaran that looked to be in bad shape....


We looked it up - it apparently had a complete mast failure during a race in Charleston.


Shipyard in Ft. Pierce.

We had a huge current going out the channel at Ft. Pierce - 3 knots of helpful current finally (we've been fighting current for the past couple of days).


Going out the inlet, offshore for at least overnight to the Miami area.


Cargo ship hauling a bunch of boats lashed on the top deck.

One of the cruise ships we saw leaving Palm Beach.

And we were treated to a beautiful sunset while we munched on leftover Thanksgiving food.

We haven't decided yet whether the weather is good enough for a gulf stream crossing in the next 24 hrs.  We'll decide by very early Friday morning and either make a turn to the left or right!

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