Boat Info

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Great Harbour Cay, Bahamas

 We arrived at Great Harbour Cay at about 5AM, so we dropped the anchor, checked it and then went below for a nice 4 hour nap!!  The water around the south side of Great Harbour Cay is clear but there is a layer of green grass growing that gives it more of a green reflection.

The only thing we really needed to do was check into Bahamas Customs & Immigration.  I had done the online Click-to-clear customs paperwork but we still had to present passports and fill out the normal pink immigration card in person.  

In the narrow cut to get over to the marina for customs.

Tied Sojourn up for a little bit while we waited our turn for customs/immigration. 

 There was one other boat clearing in. 


Put up our yellow "Q" for quarantine flag that we are required to fly before we check into the country.


Immigration only gave us a cruising permit for 90 days - we'll have to get this renewed to stay longer.  (This is normal, we ask them for a longer period and SOMETIMES they give it to us.  Apparently not this year! It's just a paperwork issue but sometimes causes us to have to travel to a port with customs unexpectedly).

We walked the dock and found a couple of cruisers that were familiar to us and stopped for a chat.  They're staying in the marina for a week so we may see them somewhere down the road.


And now I get to confess a stupid thing I did.  I got distracted motoring out towards the cut.  Not smart!!! The channel is well marked so it is entirely my fault.  No harm but I'm pretty sure that I "sanded off a bit of new bottom paint on the keel"!!  Just keepin' it real, folks!😏


Once free of that pesky sand, back out the cut to the anchorage.

And then the flag halyard broke while Duane was pulling down the Q that meant a quick trip up the mast a bit to run a new line.

And now we're flying the Bahamas courtesy flag and we're free to roam!


  1. They say that there are sailors that have run aground, and sailors that lie. Glad you are not a liar

  2. Surely you meant 90 day visa? Not cruising permit?

  3. Yes sorry I meant the visa. The cruising permit is the normal year.
