Boat Info

Monday, November 13, 2023


 Up early, brrrr.  What If leaving the anchorage at Georgetown  

Lots of peaceful marshland as we motored along. Almost no ICW traffic on the chilly and rainy day. 

An interesting floatplane tied up in the grass.

Not really much to report for the 10 hour day. It was just rainy and chilly. But we’re getting South now and tomorrow is gonna be a few degrees warmer, and no rain in the forecast!


Big container ship

And a strange tourist ship, I pontoon boat with a paddle wheel! I see all sorts of things on the water!

Ed and Cathy have been through these water several times so they lead the way.  Dropped anchor, near dusk, and in for an early evening.

1 comment:

  1. BRRRRR Been there, done that, don't like it. Cloudy in northern Florida, but still a high of 67, which is tolerable.
