Boat Info

Sunday, November 12, 2023


 We were up early again, but instead of a beautiful sunrise we were treated to dark and rainy skies.  At first light we lifted anchor and the two Mantas got underway.  This is pretty much the view all day!  Oh, and did I mention it is cold???  Yep. 


Approaching North Myrtle Beach, the usual sights.  The casino boats...


And the cutesy lighthouse at a marina.


A couple of bridges to have opened for us.  One in particular held us up for about 10 minutes for no apparent reason.  Just didn't want to open it I guess.  Is difficult to wait for a bridge to open particularly when there is a strong current flowing like we had.


Now this is a nondescript photo of the shoreline.....but look closely and you'll see....

It's Pat, on the shoreline to wish us Bon Voyage!!!  It takes a true friend to brave the cold rain for that!  Sweet.

He sent me a few photos of Sojourn from his vantage point.  Neat-O.

 But unfortunately, we were sortof on a schedule since the days are very short and we had 55 miles to cover.  A quick wave goodbye to Pat and we were on our way.

More working boats in the early morning.  But by lunchtime we seemed to have the ICW to ourselves. 


Out in the boonies south of Myrtle Beach, I noticed a "line" about 6' high on all the trees.  Must be a high-water mark from a storm.  I'd never noticed this before.

Late in the afternoon, we made a quick stop at the Wacca Wache marina - Kris and Dean had told us they had good diesel fuel prices.  They did and it was a very nice stop.
And a couple of hours later we made it to the anchorage at Georgetown, SC.  A sailing school was having a class as we anchored.  No visiting with What If for the evening....just to cold and wet! 

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