Boat Info

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Beaufort, SC

 Up early, haha, I guess I don't need to say that....just typical sights along the way.  A new electric pole being installed.


Note that there is SUNSHINE!!  Finally making it quite warm.  What If approaching a bridge - doesn't look like they'll fit under?


But they do with plenty to spare!


A really large working boatyard. Noisy.


Really enjoying the sunshine --- we've shed several layers of clothes!


A lot of monotony out on this stretch.  Not our choice to be going this way - the seas offshore are really large still with no sign that there will be a good window for us to jump off.  No worries, we're enjoying seeing parts of the ICW that we've never been on before.


The last bridge of the evening.


And rounding the bend to go to our anchorage, we caught up with the American Star cruise ship we saw a few days ago.

Over to What If for a nice hearty meal and a game of cards.  I was a bit tuckered and it was lights out before 9pm!

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