Boat Info

Friday, April 22, 2022

Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 Broken record over here....windy cloudy day.  Occasional rain showers blowing thru.

We read and watched the harbour -  there were a couple more cargo ships arriving.  This one had to wait for 4 hours while the previous ship was unloaded!  Here it is coming towards us.  Note the silty sand it's kicking up hovering in the channel.


They slowly meandered in the channel - here they are going around in circles.  The harbour water was completely milky/silty in about 1 hour.  I'm not sure what the hold-up was but it certainly didn't seem like a good situation.


A fishing boat pulling it's skiffs added to the scenery.

Nothing much happening, sorry.  I read an entire book in 24 hours!  Waiting for the winds to die....

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...yeah...I think the ports are still having manpower anyway...ships are still having to wait...sometimes 4 hours doesn't sound too bad...Happy reading...
