Boat Info

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 Yep, windy and rainy again all day!!  The view....not very enticing to get off the boat....


I did make a big pot of chili and some cornbread on the stovetop.  I just greased the pan really well and poured in the batter, covered and cooked for about 45 minutes on the lowest setting.  Came out well but just a little too well-done on the crust.

Speaking of being ovenless.....did I tell you how much I hate that state?  It's been wonderful that friends have let me use their ovens, but it's not the same as being able to satisfy some brownie craving on a whim.

But there is news on that front!  We found an almost identical but newer stove used on the Facebook Marketplace.  It was in Jacksonville, Fl.  So I asked Ed & Cathy for a big favor - would they go buy it for us??  Yes, they did!

I'd been shopping for a new one online and found that the least expensive (but badly reviewed) replacement was $1800.  The one that I would have wanted to get was near $3000!!!  So we're tickled with $300 for a stove that looks to be in much better condition than our 24 year old one.  Now we'll aim for Jacksonville to pick it up in the next week or so.  Thanks, Ed & Cathy! 

(and if you're wondering - the part (mercury switch) that is broken on our old stove CAN be refurbished.  The cost is about $300 including shipping.  But our stove is pretty rusty and Duane has made a couple of other repairs over the years.  The stove in Jax appears to be much newer and not rusty internally.   So we think this is a great option).

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I just LOVE-LOVE-LOVE frugal serendipitous stories like that...and I'm so glad you found a new stove...and your rainy day looks nice to me and the uber-crusty cornbread would be perfect for me...I may make it on the stovetop now...JUST for the crust...haha...
