Boat Info

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spanish Wells, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 Still windy!   I made a little video of the anchorage.  Nothing dangerous or uncomfortable, just noisy

The traffic around the anchorage has fallen off considerably since the winds picked up.  Previously there were lots of skiffs and sport boats in-and-out creating a lot of wakes.  Now pretty much the only boats moving around are the mail/cargo boats.

We're anchored just at the edge of the channel so the ships come fairly close to us.


Sometimes there is crew outside - I traded waves with a few of them.  Notice the white sand behind the boat - the channel is fairly shallow and they are kicking up sand off the bottom.

Same ship later in the day (the cargo on the earlier trip had white containers, this trip they had blue ones) 


You can see all the silt in the water drifting towards our boat.  Harmless and kinda fun to watch.

Otherwise, we stayed on the boat all day, reading and such.  We did re-arrange all our foodstuffs.   Pretty happy with our provisioning this year as we've used the vast majority that we purchased back in October.   This is what's left of 6 large storage totes.  Mostly condiments and such. 

Just a reminder what that same cabinet looked like 6 months ago!

 Here were all the bins that are now empty and stacked up.

And here is the rest of the provisions that we'll be using for the next few weeks as we make our way home.  I don't plan to buy anything else much here so our meals may end up with some odd combinations!


There is starting to be a few open spots on the shelves.  I don't think we'll starve on the way back!

And we're also prepared for sticker shock at the grocery store when we return - a lot has changed in 6 months  I'm sure!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,'re a good 'prepared' scout for sure...
