Boat Info

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Egg Island, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 By mid-day, there were 5 Mantas in the anchorage at Meek's Patch.  Neat to see so many.  Photos from Charm and Breathe - 

As we're preparing for the final run back to the US, Duane installed our new Volvo water muffler that we picked up from Sangaris in Staniel Cay.  Yes, he's tucked away down below the starboard berth.

In the late afternoon we pulled the anchor and had a slow sail over just 6 miles to the Egg Island anchorage.  It will just make tomorrow's sail only 10 hours vs. 11 hours.   We were shocked to see 14 boats anchored in the tiny little spot.  I guess lots of folks will be heading west/north tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow's sail will be a bit lumpy with 4' seas but we're taking the last opportunity with 10-15 knot winds for the next few days.  After tomorrow the winds die down and we'll stay anchored in the Berry Islands for a few days waiting for the winds to come back.  Then we'll check out and be in the US, probably within the week. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that's a lot of mantas in one you're in good company...Duane looks a bit cramped in there...but you're probably both really happy to have your muffler fixed...
