Boat Info

Monday, April 25, 2022

Meek's Patch, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 The "pig beach" was extremely busy....loud music and an amazing number of people.  Not our scene at all, so we did not go ashore.   It seems like there are lots of places now that have "installed" pigs on uninhabited islands as an "attraction". 

There are several other Mantas in the area - Charm -


And Hahalua

Charm invited us over for supper - we had a yummy meal and chatted the night away.  They even gifted us a batch of brownies for our travels this coming week since our oven is kaput.

 One last group shot before we part company tomorrow as we head north.  Charm will be staying in the Bahamas for several more weeks but we'll see them again soon at our dock in Oriental as they are planning a visit.

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