Boat Info

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Soldier Cay, Berry Islands, Bahamas

 We were up at first light to lift anchor for the 10 hour sail west to the Berry Islands.  But the anchor was stuck on a rock!  After trying to dislodge it by powering around using the boat engines unsuccessfully, Duane donned his snorkel gear and we took the dinghy out to the anchor.  He dove down and hooked a long dock line around the anchor.  Then we used the dinghy to pull the anchor forwards.  It dislodged easily - so we got the dinghy raised and engines started quickly as we were then drifting a bit.  Not the leisurely start to the morning we had planned!!  By the time we departed almost all of the other boats were on their way, most appearing to be heading to the Abacos.


We had a lovely day - wing-on-wing sailing with one engine running at 2000 rpm.  The winds were supposed to be 15 knots and seas 4 ft.  The reality was that winds were 8-10 knots and seas were just a 4 ft swell so very benign.   We drug fishing lines all day but didn't get a single nibble.


Arrived at Soldier Cay after about 11 hours.  Lovely here but we're a bit tuckered out and will not go ashore.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I imagine so...that's a long day for's really pretty though...and hopefully a little quieter...
