Boat Info

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Another busy day.

The Meshugga crew picked us up in their dinghy for a oceanside walk.


Dinghy anchored and shoes on feet, started the walk.


Mike and Penny enjoying the view.


Still strong easterly winds so the ocean swells were pretty large.


The skies were a bit threatening.


Always enjoy these "ragged" views.

Thanks, Jenny for a couple of nice photos.


The sun was in/out.


And we did eventually get soaked by a passing rain shower.  Little shelter out there!


On the trail over to the west side of the island, a mamma goat and her newborn.


The salt pond was a little wet so we skirted the edge.

 Over on the west side the water was much calmer.


And then we back-tracked to get back to the dinghy.


Taking a bit of a short-cut across a salt pan rather than climb the large rocks on the ocean side.

Back to the boats - time for a nap after almost 4 miles of hiking.


And then later, time for a campfire and BBQ.


Wonderful meal and fun conversations.  Everyone was ready to call it a day by "cruiser's midnight"....aka 9PM.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that looks like a pretty rugged little (ha) walk...and the photo of you (and the one with Duane) is really good...
