Boat Info

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Busy day!  First we went ashore at almost high tide to pick up some groceries from Maxine.  It was pretty windy and we had to anchor the dinghy out from shore to avoid all the rocks.


The familiar hill we have to climb.   Good for us after a couple of days mostly on the boat!


Approaching town.  The total mileage is about 4 miles round trip.


Always fun to see the goats roaming freely.

Maxine had a good stock - but no onions.  Nice visiting with her, likely our last time this season so ended with a nice hug farewell.


Back to the boat - Meshugga had arrived!


We'd made plans with them to have a fun afternoon/evening - so I whipped up some sushi.

The normal routine - this time made with tuna that we bartered with Greg on Lone Star Love in Great Inagua. 


I made a few that were only veggies since Nicholas is not fond of "eating bait" as he calls raw fish.


Ready for a chill in the freezer to prep them for cutting.

Over to Meshugga, we got to know their new arrivals - Penny and Mike.  Penny is Nicholas's other sister.  Fun, sweet folks.



Played a nice long game of Mexican Train and chatted the afternoon away.


Sushi was served and all consumed!  Dee had made some humus and naan bread that was delicious as well although not photographed. 

Late in the evening we got around to a wonderful meal of grilled Mahi-mahi that they had caught and frozen about a week ago.  Great day and great to be back in the same waters for a little while longer!

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