Boat Info

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Apparently, it's Moving Day....the three other boats in the anchorage all lifted anchor at the same time.


And off they sailed.


After breakfast we pulled anchor as well and headed south.  The Bahamas Defense Force patrol boat was out cruising again.  Not sure what's up as we've seen them several times in the past few days.


ust a lovely sail - we originally planned to pull in at Hog Cay but it looked crowded as we sailed south. 


We decided to check out the cut at Little Ragged - and were surprised to see it empty.  A couple of boats are anchored on the other side of the sand spit.


Anchor down in the quiet anchorage.  We'll be here a few days - Meshugga will likely join us by the end of the week when some lower wind days will mean some snorkeling will be in order.

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