Boat Info

Friday, March 25, 2022

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Pretty sunrise.  We'd planned last night to walk into Duncan Town to give Penny and Mike a tour.


We all rode over on Meshugga's dinghy, uneventful and sunny walk into town.  First stop - the Ponderosa.  It was just at noon so they were serving the construction workers lunch.  Jolly was there tending bar.


We were all happy to have a bit of cold liquid. 

Refreshed, we went for a walk around town.  The construction workers were finished with lunch so some of them piled in a pickup to be taken back to the school worksite.


Jenny planning how she would renovate this structure with a beautiful view.....


The two kids that we met back in January (on our hitch-hike ride with Little Greg) saw Mike and his huge-lens camera.  They wanted to try it out.  (Other than an infant, I believe these two cousins are the only children on the island).


They took turns taking photos and looking at them thru the display.


And then we were shown the prize puppies!


Walking on to the end of town, the school is coming along very nicely!  They expect to be finished by next year. Hopefully some of the residents with children will return then from their 5 year displacement.


Around the corner, we visited Myron's pigeons.  Remember the racing pigeon from Cuba that alighted on Meshugga last year?  Myron was the one who came and rescued it.  He breeds and sells pigeons.  He has an amazing variety.


Looked up and saw a bunch of coconuts....just thought it was a cool shot against a beautiful sky.


Walking back towards town with the salt ponds in the distance.


And what's a walk thru Duncan Town without a goat photo?


Back to Maxine's, she had a string of conch drying for later export.


And one more final shop at Maxine's store.


Edward from Buena Vista was still visiting and came out for a chat.


Edward telling of all his plans to rebuild a house on the island, up the hill from his existing ruins.


Everyone posed for a nice parting photo.

Nicholas was not happy with the thought of the 2 mile hike back to the dinghy so he arranged with Jolly to cart us back in their pickup.


And back to the boats in the afternoon for a nice nap!


Snacks and beverages at sunset ashore but this is the only photo I took.  Chris from Dragonfly joined us for a nice evening.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...what nice little tour...sweet boys...and awwww PUPPIES...puppies are the BEST!
