Boat Info

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Our biggest activity was a 2 hour swim to scrub the bottom of the boat....we are at the end of our 2nd year with this bottom paint and it's not holding up as well as we'd hoped.  There is a good bit of marine growth and a surprising number of small barnacles.  The reddish algae is quite tenacious and requires "circular scrubbing" to remove it. 

Here are my tools - the suction cups allow me to "hold on" to the boat since scrubbing while floating naturally pushes you away from the boat.  A scrubber pad and a large putty knife.  (everything on a lanyard so it doesn't get dropped).

 Not perfect but good enough for the next 6 months when we haul out the boat in the fall.  We got 3/4 of the way done before I announced I was done in for the the day!  We'll have to have another short session in a day or two when my arms recover.

Later in the afternoon I heard the little "hum" of the e-Foil and caught these photos of Sam.  Cool little toy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that under-belly is pretty looks so much better now...and the E-foil is so cool...
