Boat Info

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Double-Breasted Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We decided to move a little north to get out of the crowd at Hog Cay.  With winds 20+ knots, it was a terrific mostly downwind sail up to Double-Breasted Cay, about 9 miles.  There's always something to repair - Duane noticed a broken pin on the jib.  He's wiring it in place for later repair so that it doesn't fall off the boat!


Lovely here.


When we arrived there were 3 boats here.


But by evening there were 8 boats in the anchorage.  The Ragged Islands are more popular this year!


A large globe for the sunset!


And a fairly windy evening, winds blowing constantly 20 knots from the east.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I can see why it's's very beautiful...pretty sunset too...
