Boat Info

Monday, March 14, 2022

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Settling back into the normal Ragged Island day.  If you'll notice, the boat is pointing to the west....odd since this doesn't happen very much with the prevailing east winds.  But the ride was smooth with light clocking winds.  Soon we were pointed northeast and then east again.

We set out with Cindy from BookEnd and Debra from Escapade for a 3 mile walk.   Sam and Cindy had blazed a "connector" trail that runs from the cruiser hut, up the "hill trail", along the shoreline southbound and cuts across to connect with the existing Lobster hole trails.  Fun to have them all connected now.

 We went in at 9AM to the cruiser hut and started up the hill.


The view of the fairly busy anchorage.


We all took bags to gather flotsam to mark the trail better.


Duane found a big bundle of bright green line - makes great trail markings, cut into smaller pieces and tied along the path.


Pretty views but an overcast day.  Actually nice not to have the harsh sun beating down on you.


And back to the boats a few hours later.  Cindy and Debra.

Here's the circuit.  I guess I can eat a candy bar this afternoon!

I toted thes two nice aluminum buoys back to the boat.  I'm thinking I might make some sort of hanging sculpture back at Oriental on the driveway sometime.....


Other than the walk, we just were lazy but did some chores like making a tank of water and washing a load of clothes.   Winds are east now for a week or so....not sure of our plans.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that was quite a hike...definitely have a treat...
