Boat Info

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Raccoon Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We're back in internet range - so this will be a LONG post covering most of the past week since we left Georgetown.

We timed our arrival at the shallow Hog Cay Cut at high tide.

No problem at all.  The shallowest we saw was 6.5'- easy with our 4' draft.

Uneventful sail to Water Cay.  There was one other boat anchored there when we arrived late in the day.  We chatted with them briefly on the VHF - they're heading north to  Georgetown.  

The only photo I took that night was of the sunset "afterglow".

Up fairly early and set the sails for more southerly movement.

Once back in deep water we put out the fishing rods - not even a nibble.  We'll keep trying.

Arrived at Flamingo Cay after a wonderful sail.

Into the water for a nice snorkel.


Took the dinghy in a small cave on the shoreline.  Always a cool feeling.



After snorkeling/lunch we went on the trail across the island.  There are a few small ponds on the trail.

These small red shrimp live in the ponds.  Apparently there used to be (long ago) Flamingos inhabiting this island (hence the name, haha).  Their diet was these red shrimp giving them the beautiful pink color.  No sign of any flamingos here now though.

The end of the trail on another pretty bay.

The next day, out the cut and into deep water again.  No luck fishing again!

I heard loud splashes over the wind noise and found a pod of about 20 dolphins playing at the bow.  Unfortunately it was cloudy so the photo doesn't show them off as it does when the sun is shining.  They played at the bow for a few minutes and then were on their dolphin-way.

Arrived at Nurse Cay, thinking we'd stay a day.  Ended up staying 3 days it was just so relaxing.  We had this little cove all to ourselves the entire time.

Lots of snorkeling.

A junior lobster in the center of the photograph.  We left him to grow up a little.

But found a couple of larger ones.

We took the dinghy ashore and walked up the bluff to an old ruin.  Not sure of the history but there were several fairly large buildings.

Overlooking the cut between Nurse and Buena Vista - beautiful view.

A foundation with a concrete floor (the floors are usually dirt)

The beautiful view of the cut.

And the view from the other side of the bluff is an interior salt pond.

We braved the brambles to walk down the hill to the salt pond.  On the way there were many cacti.

After just a few scrapes with sticker-y plants we made it to the salt pond.

Kinda smelly - the shoreline had a frothy salt deposit.

Remains of a salt enclosure from long ago (I assume was the venture of the folks at the top of the hill but have no real information).

A different day, more snorkeling.

And more lobster.

Another day, rinse, repeat.

A ray resting on the bottom. 

 Just a lot of pretty underwater scenery.

And even more lobster.  One for dinner for sure!

We finally got up the forward momentum and pulled the anchor. Had a lovely sail about 8 miles south to Raccoon Cay.  No one else near here either.  Not sure how long we'll stay.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...glad you're back online...and that you had a good safe sail...of course I looked up Nurse Cay...but only found geo info...haha...
