Boat Info

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Raccoon Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

We had a fun New Year's Day, hope you did as well.

Back up to Christmas Day - Dee sent me a few photos from our visit with them and I thought I'd share them here.  Thanks again, Dee!



The anchorage here at Raccoon is a bit rolly side-to-side because the waves wrap around the small island and oppose the wind.  So Duane solves that easily by tying the boat off to the anchor from 90 degrees.   Points the boat right into the ocean swell and we sit perfectly still.  


We went ashore for a nice walk - seeking a cross-island trail our friend Rita had told us about.


Through the brambles we did find a large salt pond.


After about a mile of walking according to my watch we still had not found the trail.


After a break for some crackers and lemonade, we continued our search but never found the trail.

Irving (Maxine's son) was out fishing and stopped by on the beach as we were walking for a nice visit.  


This prickly pear cactus looks just like mine at home.

But this caterpillar looks like nothing from home!



Another small ruin overlooking the bay.


Note Sojourn in the middle of the photo.

After a couple of hours out in the sun, we called it a day.

Back to the boat -just lovely here!


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...sorry you didn't find the trail you were looking for...but I'm sure you's kind of strangely amazing to see all of the ruins there...
