Boat Info

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Georgetown, Exumas, Bahamas

 Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!

Our Christmas selfie:


We were invited to Meshugga for a Christmas afternoon.   The only thing they would let us bring was a green-bean casserole.  They (being South African) had never heard of the American holiday staple.

Around noon, off to Meshugga - easy to spot the big boat!


Duane and Nickolas solving the world's problems.


Dee looking chipper in her amazing galley.


Jenny enjoying the day.


They put out quite the spread - turkey AND ham and all the fixin's.


And after a few hours and extremely full bellies, we had a little treat - we joined in a circle with arms crossed pulling on the ends of these little presents.  With a loud "pop" a small little gift item and a "wise saying or riddle" fell free.  And a Christmas crown for each of us.  Good fun!



A wave goodbye after a truly wonderful day.  (Note the hardtop that they constructed in the Ragged Islands during the summer - fabulous workmanship).



  1. Hey K, the photo of you two...and it looks like a perfect summer-y Christmas gathering...

  2. Thanks for sharing our Christmas Day. Your company is always welcomed
