Boat Info

Monday, December 6, 2021

Ten Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 First task of the day was for Duane to go up the mast to troubleshoot our wind gauge.  It had started giving odd readings and electronic calibration at the helm didn't solve it.  Yep, that's him at the top.


He had taken a spray can of lubricant with him (he takes a pocket of tool/items with him with a variety of things that he might need).  Unfortunately, the cap fell off into the water.  Luckily it floated well and he was able to put the dinghy down and  retrieve it about 15 minutes later when he came down from the top.


After lunch we suited up or some exploring. 

I will say that snorkeling is not the best around here!   Just rocky shoreline and deep right up to the land.


But Duane did find some life below some rocks.


Back to the boat - pretty sunny day.

This was the prize from the trip.   I had this for dinner over some pasta.


 And a pretty sunrise this morning.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...oh my goodness...that is UP there...I'm not afraid of general...but that may be too much for me...glad Duane is ok up there...
