Boat Info

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Ten Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

Today we ran out of store-bought bread....time to get back in the bread-making swing of things.


Obviously, I left one in the oven a little too long!  All good though.


And this year, I bought a pack of 100 bread bags from Amazon.  Previously, I'd used left over bread bags from the grocery store.  But as the season progresses, the printing ink on the bags starts to deteriorate and rub off messily.  (I like the bags better than a hard container as they keep the bread fresher I believe).


Then mid-day we were treated to a nice rain shower - then a pretty rainbow as it cleared.


 I had a hankering for some pizza.


So that's what we had for dinner. His/Her pizza.  

It was good but I'll tweak a few things next time - less tomato sauce and believe-it-or-not, less cheese!  It was just too thick. 

 We'll probably move back north a bit to the Pineapple Cays tomorrow.   The usual couple of episodes of The Crown - we're at season 3 and they COMPLETELY changed the cast!  Had to get used to all new actors for the queens/princes/princesses.   Too weird!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...I need to make another we can have pizza for Friday night...your bread looks always...and who knew about the bread bags...yuck...
