Boat Info

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 We left fairly early to make another 25 miles south - out the narrow cut.


The winds were 15-20 knots so we raised the sails and had a wonderful day sailing!


The winds weren't exactly from the right direction, so we had to tack a couple of times.  (The desired track was the straight black then purple line)  The path we sailed is the yellow line.  Nice to move engine-less!

 I made a quick little video just walking up to the bow of the boat under sail.  


We're anchored in a pretty little bay, will try to find some snorkeling tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. Hey K, nice that you're able to travel for 'free' with the wind...even if it does involve a little bit of zig-zagging...and it sure seemed windy in the video...
