Boat Info

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

We started the day with banana pancakes - the bananas we'd gotten in Bimini were ripening too quickly so they needed to be used.  They were delicious!



Our new friends on Manta Cerca Trova sailed down today.  Here they are coming into the narrow cut at Hatchet Bay.


We went out mid-day to find some snorkeling.  The shoreline is quite rocky here.


The coral was quite lovely.


But unfortunately a lot of it was quite deep.


And the sun was peeking in-and-out, so the visibility wasn't the greatest.

But we enjoyed a nice long swim pulling the dinghy behind us since it was too deep to anchor.

We even swam thru the narrow cut, thinking that would be interesting - but there was nothing there except the steep cut-out walls.

The Cerca Trova crew Royce & Jennifer stopped by and invited us to happy hour which we really enjoyed.  Little did we know - Royce, I believe, has as many jokes in his repertoire as Ralph does!! 


1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...very pretty coral...and banana pancakes do sound good...
