Boat Info

Friday, December 3, 2021

Hatchet Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 With some winds forecast that would make staying put a little uncomfortable, we pulled up the anchor and headed 25 miles south.

To get south, we have to go thru Current Cut.  We've done this numerous times before.  As this is a narrow cut with large bodies of water on both sides, the current is swift with the changing tides.  Rational people time their passages so that the current helps them (or at least doesn't hinder them).  We were lazy and didn't get moving until mid-morning and we knew the tide would be against us.  (If we had gotten moving at about 7AM the current would have been helping us).  But no worries, we have plenty of power available with the engines so we fought a 4+ knot current for about 10 minutes.  Makes for a slow passage but perfectly safe.  


Going thru the cut there are some "swirly" currents.


The Current Pride ferry/mail boat loading.


On the other side of the cut is a lovely bay.


And the water is just glorious!  We did actually put the main sail up at this point.  The light winds helped with an extra knot or so.


Going into Hatchet Bay is a little narrow looking.



But as long as you stick to the middle, those nasty rocks on both sides can't hurt you!



And we were shocked that we are the only boat in the large harbor!!

Leftover curry for dinner and a couple of episodes of The Crown.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K, is really pretty sounds like y'all are settling in now...
