Boat Info

Thursday, October 14, 2021

Oriental, NC

 A little bit of a busy day....

I took the warm weather opportunity to go on and wash the deck.  I had originally planned to wait until the day before we leave to do this, but I am thinking the weather may turn off colder in the next couple of weeks.  Washing the deck is much more fun at 80 degrees and barefoot vs. 65 degrees and windy like it gets in early fall.  

So, out comes the buckets, brushes and bleach.  I'm a bit ashamed to post the "before" photos.   The north side is much worse than the southern facing side of the boat.

See, I told you it was bad!  Before:








And in the afternoon, another Manta came to visit at our dock!!

It's Dean and Kris on Charm.  They were the previous owners of What If!  They sold the boat to Ed & Cathy many years ago when they finished a Caribbean cruise with their teen-aged son.  But, they are empty-nesters now and bought another Manta to go cruising again!

Fun afternoon chatting and comparing Manta-stories. They'll stay with us for several days before heading south for the winter.

We were treated to a yummy curry by Cathy and had a fairly early night.


  1. Hey K,
    ...the north side is always worse for mildew I think...but...what a nice clean boat you have now...

  2. I still need to do this. Our fly bridge is looking a bit grim.
