Boat Info

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Oriental, NC

 Really winding down here - I made another shopping run to get some of the last items on my list.  Things like a pack of staples, a extra ream of printer paper, extra toothpaste, fresh clothespins....lots of little items that will be virtually unavailable when we get to the southern Bahamas.  

My cruising buddies will be impressed with this Walmart clearance find....Luci lights for $3 each!  I bought all 5 on the shelf.


For those of you who don't know about these cool little solar powered LED lights - this is what one looks like inflated and turned on.  We use them often both on the boat and ashore after dark.  


The final fresh/frozen food run will be done right before our departure, one of the only big items left on my list.



We ended the day with Silo's buy-one-get-one pizza, shared al-fresco with Ed and Cathy.  A pleasant day!


  1. Hey K, the frugal find...those lights are really neat...I can't believe your departure is so 'eminent'...haha...

  2. Can’t believe you bought Luci lights for $3 a pop. I paid $20 on Amazon for mine. Good shopping.
