Boat Info

Friday, October 15, 2021

Oriental, NC

 Another busy day!

First, Duane went up the mast partway to replace a fraying bungee cord. 

Do you see that blue sky?  It's the first we've seen in days and days.  Really cheers you up after all that grey overcast we've had.

Next was a chore we've been putting off simply because it's tedious.

One side of the main sail has a couple of areas that have chafed all the way thru to the batten (stiffening rod sewn into the sail).  It chafed because there was a cracked plastic protector on part of the rigging - we replaced that so it shouldn't happen again.


The 5x8" patches we installed are soft leather.  We stitched them using an awl - Duane on one side of the sail and me on the other side.  


 Duane does pretty work (I was just on the other side of the sail completing each stitch.)  These two patches took about an hour to stitch!

We made one last trip to mow the other lot but that was certainly uneventful and quick as the grass hadn't really grown much lately.  We'll haul the riding mower home for the winter.

Busy day next to us as well.  Ed & Cathy got their sails back on- first the jib.  

And then the main - with a little help from Duane, Kris and Dean.

 And we were treated to a fun taco bar in the evening aboard Charm.  Great conversations, strangely
segueing from sailing to pet ducks to Abigail the Roller Skating Miniature Donkey.  We ending the evening after dark when the mosquitos decided they were hungry!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...that mast climbing looks pretty scary...but your patch does look awesome...
