Boat Info

Thursday, July 22, 2021


 Ed and Cathy arrived around noon on the ferry - yay!


First up for the day - a little clamming.  The sailing club has  5 dinghies going to the "clamming grounds" about 1/2 mile away.


The What If and Sojourn crew!


Happy sailors out digging in the sand for clams!


Cathy with a prize!


Our haul after about 45 minutes.  We stopped at this point since we didn't want to have too many!

Then it was time for a little bike ride.  Getting ready.


To Dajio's restaurant to meet up with Gail and Paul.  The restaurant has been completely refurbished after a hurricane 2 years ago (can't remember which one).  It's very nice, but my inner self longs for the old dingy bar with the ring toss, hearing Jamie play guitar into the night...  Oh well, time marches on!


Next up was the sailing club gathering - steaming the clams!


My goodness they were excellent!!


The club pot-luck was wonderful as usual.  The club invited the Park Rangers to join us - we'll be seeing this Ranger tomorrow when we take a bike ride to the "ponies"!


Lots of great food and fun conversations.


After the clams - fresh Pamlico Sound shrimp were boiled with Old Bay!  Yes, we had too much to eat!!


And in the evening, we say another Manta!  Skoolz Out!

The crew - Kathy and Tony came over for a nice chat in the late evening.  Good folks!


The view of Sojourn  with fellow sailing club boat The Blue Comet on the dock....

And on a very sad note....Richard and Miranda's first puppy - Axle has passed away.  11 good years!  RIP Axle

1 comment:

  1. so sorry about Axel...but I'm sure it was a good life...well lived in the company of those two lovies...looks like you had a nice get together too...
