Boat Info

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Ocracoke, NC

 Started the day with dark cloudy skies again.


But mid-morning the skies cleared.  We took a nice bike ride - the beach was pretty crowded!


We walked awhile up the beach and it became deserted like we're used to.


Not as clear and blue as the Bahamas, but pretty in it's own way.


Back at the boat, we saw Paul and Gail in their golf cart - I waved them over from afar.  Good to see them - we hope to hook up with them at Dajio's this evening.


And the finishing touch on the day was a little meet-and-greet with the SCOO (sailing club) folks.  Nice to see everyone again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...we've had a couple of nice cool-ish days here...after the rain...Mom said they really got a lot of rain...
