Boat Info

Friday, July 23, 2021

Ocracoke, NC

First thing this morning, we texted Skoolz Out that there was a space open on the NPS dock - so they pulled anchor and came over.  After they got settled into their rather tight spot, the small boat behind them left.  Always fun to see the movements around the dock.  No boats were injured so a good day!  (Bob on Pelican is to the left....I'm sure just making sure no bumper-boats occurred!)

 And the morning's adventure - To the ponies!!!  

The sailing club gathered at the dock to ride the 8 miles north to the "pony pen".  We're going to be there for the 10AM talk to be given by the nice Park Ranger we met at last night's pot luck.

After a very nice ride, we're resting a bit before the 10AM talk.

Ed and Cathy having a good time.

The bike ride was 8 miles - don't pay any attention to the time or speed - I forgot to turn the recording off so my Garmin watch continued to record thru the Ranger talk.

 At the appointed hour, our NPS Ranger (I think his name was Matt) gave a very spirited talk about the ponies that have lived on the island for hundreds of years.  All very interesting and well presented. 



The sailing club enjoying the talk.


The ponies didn't cooperate by coming close for a treat or anything....just peacefully grazing.

A short walk did give us a little better view. 

All the sailing club bikes parked - we wandered across the highway for a quick glimpse at the ocean. 

And we had very relaxing down-wind cycle back to the 1718 Brew Pub.  The plan was for us to have lunch there - and most of the club did so.  We didn't really like the menu so we biked back to the boat for a relaxing afternoon.  I didn't take any more photos - shame on me.  We ended up getting a couple of yummy Jason's pizzas and had an early night.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...what a nice ride and event...sweet ponies too...
