Boat Info

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Pittsboro, NC to Oriental, NC

 Back at the house, my next batch of amaryllis are blooming.  Nice that the different colors bloom at different times so I can enjoy them for a bit longer. 

We mowed the grass and got everything loaded up for the trek to Oriental.

When we got to the boat, all was as we left it a few weeks ago....except it was sweltering hot!  This is the temperature of the freezer compartment!  (we had emptied it so no harm).

One of the a/c units is not working so we'll have to troubleshoot that.  We'll be in Oriental for a few days getting everything back in good shape on the lots.

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...glad everything is safe and sure do have good luck with the Amaryllis...
