Boat Info

Friday, May 28, 2021

Oriental, NC

 First, let me back up and include a couple of photos I didn't post earlier. 

Diane had taken this photo of us on take-off the other day when we went to Ocracoke.  A cool view from their back porch that we don't often get, thanks Diane!


Somehow I forgot to post this photo - while we were packing up the lawn mowers at the house the other day - another black snake was slithering at our basement door.  This one is much smaller than the one that climbed the tree the other day.  I guess there's a snake family close by!


Back at Oriental - pretty sunrise across Brown Creek.


Duane did some troubleshooting on our aft a/c unit.  Unfortunately it wasn't something simple.  The circuit board was melted in a couple of places, so we have a new one on order.  The forward a/c unit is keeping the boat fairly cool by itself so it's not terrible.


And the big chore for the day was to attack the lot over near Pecan Grove.  We mowed it last October, so it was pretty overgrown.


I was weed-eating around the trees when I saw a flash of color - this turtle was not happy with all my noise! When I stopped the weed-eater, he scampered (slowly) away.


Amazingly, it only took about an hour and a half to get the lot in good shape.

We went to the Silo's for supper - and were sad to see that "Thirsty Thursday" ($1 draft beers) is no more.....

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...neat photo of you in flight...and y'all have a crazy amount of snakes...the lot looks awesome...and I'm glad you didn't hit the little turtle...hopefully your AC will be repaired soon...
