Boat Info

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Mills River/Hendersonville, NC then Pittsboro, NC

 We had a nice visit all day with Granny and Cordy - just chatting the afternoon away.  I forgot to snap any photos, but they're doing good and it was nice to see them after so long away.

Then my mom had a leaking dishwasher that needed replacement.  She had long-ago bought a new one and Keith used his tractor bucket to bring it down to the house from a storage trailer.


Duane made fairly quick work of the replacement - just a few hours and only one trip to the hardware store.  Leaking dishwasher coming out.


New dishwasher all finished.


Before long it was time to say goodbye - a fun visit.  Many thanks to my brother & S.I.L,  Keith and Denise for their wonderful hospitality.

And we stopped by again in Hendersonville to wish Granny a happy birthday.   A rather dreary drive home.

 And I scooted up to book club (an hour late) - as we re-start the club after many Covid-months where we did not meet.  We're all vaccinated now and will continue as normal now.


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