Boat Info

Monday, April 5, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

The bay adjacent to the cruiser hut is not accessible by land - you have to take your dinghy over there to walk the trails.  It had been a topic of discussion earlier - so we joined Rita from Como No and Dee from Meshugga to blaze a new trail.   There is a lot of goat paths in the area, so we used some of them as well as cutting our way thru the scrub when necessary.  

The view from the cliff of the anchorage.

 I was busy chopping brush and didn't take any photos of the actual work - but here is the path we made in a couple of hours.  (The odd zigs and zags are just when I walked out to investigate possible directions for the path.)  May be difficult to see from the photo, but the path stops at a very steep rock cliff.  So we decided to stop for the day and investigate possible paths to the beach tomorrow!

 In the evening, all the boats in the anchorage went to the hut for a fun pot-luck meal. 


And the evening ended with a nice campfire, of course!


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