Boat Info

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Another cruiser posted this nice aerial shot of the Hog Cay anchorage so I copied it and added my label.  Thanks Invia for the photo!

 The winds are still whipping around 20 knots steady....just enough to make you want to just laze around and not leave the boat.  

But Rita called on the VHF and invited us to lunch.  Short hop over - Como No is anchored about 500 feet from us.


Beautiful boat - replaces their 52' Horizon that was totaled in Hurricane Dorian in the Abacos 2 years ago.

As usual, fun afternoon chatting and a wonderful lunch.

And I spent the later afternoon prepping a few dishes to take to the cruiser hut tomorrow for an Easter potluck.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...neat picture...and that's a really big boat...
