Boat Info

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We took the low-wind day opportunity to do a bit of snorkeling and fishing.  Only fishing for actual fish now that lobster season is over.

We chose a spot that is deeper than normal so the photos look a bit blue.


Duane diving down to peek under a ledge.


Duane did spear a nice hog fish.


Filleted and vacuum packed for the freezer.  (I have leftover grouper from the grill last night so I don't need it for dinner tonight!)



 And we brought back  some firewood to replace the wood we burned last night at the cruiser hut.


I saw a shadow under the boat - I stuck my camera in the water and captured this.  Guess I won't go swimming right now!

Tonight brings some strong winds - 30+ knots for hours as a front passes.  The next day or so will have very strong winds so it may be just a "boat day" tomorrow. 

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