Boat Info

Friday, April 2, 2021

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 My food provisioning that we did in the US in early November has worked out fairly well.  I'm still well stocked with most of the shelf stable items.  However, I ran out of my orange marmalade yesterday morning!  I still have grape jelly, but I really like my marmalade!  (Duane is not a fan).  

So I found a  recipe and got to work.

Really simple - ingredients are oranges, lemon peel, sugar and water!


Just boil for a long time until the rind is soft.


Add sugar and boil until it will "sheet" off the metal spoon.


And put into jars!  Yum for tomorrow's breakfast.


In the late morning, Duane and I went ashore for a long beach walk, armed with water and sandwiches.


I won't bore you with the 50 shoreline photos I took....


But the Ragged Islands sure live up to their name on the Atlantic side!


Duane spotted this glass float in the sand!  I've heard about them but have never found one.  It appears to be hand-blown - I looked it up and they were often used as floats in Japan and other places around the world.

About 3 hours of walking -  it's hard to tell from the photos but there is quite a bit of climbing up and down the rocky cliffs!


The anchorage overlook from the trail.  Sojourn in the middle.


Here's my "haul" from the beach walk.....



Late in the afternoon we went over to the cruiser hut for a bbq.  



A lovely sunset!


And a relaxing time around the campfire with good conversation and Steve from Amalie playing soft guitar in the background.


  1. Hey K,
    ...all of your beach glass is amazing of course...but that little glass ball is beautiful...let me know how the marmelade turned out...

  2. Hey T, the marmalade turned out great. I think next time I'll back off with the lemon peel, it gives a bit of a bitterness. Still good though. Love, K
